The following conditions are solely valid for every business and are prevailing over any contrary conditions of the customer.
All our offers are submitted without obligation.
Our prices are to be understood net in EUR on basis ex factory excluding packing, freight, postage and insurance.
Model modifications
We reserve the right to modify models or constructions until delivery.
Delivery time
We take all endeavours to keep the delivery time agreed upon, how-ever, without assuming legal obligations.
The buyers are not entitled to claim damage for delayed delivery or nonfulfillment.
Deliveries are always effected on customer’s risk and account. As soon as the goods have left our premises, the risk is born by the customer. If no transport instructions have been given we will choose transport means on easy terms. Insurances against losses or damages are only concluded upon customer’s request and on customer´s account. Packing is charged at cost price. Part deliveries are permitted. Deliver costs are charged to the customer.
Our invoices are payable within 30 days after invoice date, if not otherwise stipulated in the invoice.
Until fully paid all goods supplied by us remain our property and cannot be taken in pledge or bail. If the goods have been sold already, the arising claims have to be surrendered to us. Incoming payments out of such claims have to be transferred to us.
Any complaints have to be reported in writing within 10 days after receipt of the goods. We repair or replace defective instruments free-of-charge at our option, but beyond this we refuse any further obligation. For special products no returns will be accepted.
Sales documents
Sales documents like catalogues, leaflets, price-lists etc. shall be used for purchases and sales of our products and remain our property. Reprinting, copying or transmission to unauthorized persons is prohibited.
Place of performance is 78582 Balgheim.
Court of jurisdiction is 78532 Tuttlingen.
July 2007